Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty boss guide
Team Ninja and Koei Tecmo's latest Soulslike action role-playing game, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, has finally been released. Much like the Japanese developer's previous Soulslike titles, i.e., Nioh, Nioh 2 and Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin, the latest offering features some truly epic and challenging boss fights.
One such early- to mid-game boss is Aoye, a massive bull-like creature covered in a thick coat of fur that it uses to attack and impale its adversaries. Although these boss fights can be quite difficult, they are equally as satisfying and rewarding once players start understanding the fundamentals of the game's combat system.
You will encounter Aoye during your journey through the fifth main mission of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, where it stands as the final obstacle that you will need to overcome in order to progress the game's story. Aoye might look very intimidating and can be a fairly challenging boss fight if you don't know how to counter its attacks.
However, the battle against Aoye can basically be trivialized using certain strategies. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to easily defeat Aoye in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, including the best weapon, armor, spells, and also companions to use to get a quick and clean victory.
How to easily win the Aoye boss fight in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty?
Aoye, for one of the early-to-mid-game bosses in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, can feel quite challenging. This is in part due to its massive health pool, but also because of how quickly it can swap between its different attacks that can catch you off-guard.
Another big issue that the boss presents is the arena where you are supposed to fight the gigantic beast. It is quite small and does not allow you enough room to maneuver and gain distance in case you want to heal or reset your spirit gauge.
However, Aoye is quite susceptible to elemental attacks and can also be easily staggered due to its rather miniscule spirit gauge, which you can exploit to deal massive stagger-damage. The best way to deal with it in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is to constantly keep attacking it to break its posture, i.e., deplete its spirit gauge as soon as possible to deal massive spirit-attack damage.
However, it is easier said than done due to the aggressive nature of the boss and also its rapid attacks. Fortunately, there are quite a few ways that you can use to basically trivialize the fight against Aoye, making it one of the easiest encounters in the game. Here are the strategies that you can use to easily defeat it in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty:
- Invest in agility: Agility is one of the key elements that you should invest in before confronting Aoye. Keeping your encumberance below "B" can massively help you keep your spirit consumtion and depletion in check, which in turn can massively benefit you in staying mobile on the battlefield. Having more agility also helps to keep your spirit consumption in check, which can give you a significant advantage during boss fights like Aoye, where you will need to dodge mutiple attacks and also reposition yourself several times througout the fight.
- Best armor(s) to use: Given agility is your main focus, any lightweight armor set that you can find in the game should do the trick. You can also invest a few points in "Metal" phase to keep your encumberance in check, but in case you don't want to dump points into that elemental tree, a lightweight armor can help you keep your agility stat below "B." To ensure you have enough defense, you can also invest a few resources into upgrading your armor pieces to +3.
- Best weapon (s) to use: Although all weapon types in the game are a perfectly viable choice against any of the boss encounters in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, for Aoye in particular, we would recommend the dual swords or the dual halberds. These very fast hitting weapons that you can also use to easily inflict elemental damage on enemies on bosses.
- Use weapon martial arts to keep pressure on the boss: Martial arts is one of the key elements of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty's combat. The techniques associated with the dual-bladed weapons allow you to fully utilize their multi-hit combos, dealing a ton of damage in a very short amount of time. The only downside of these weapon types is their rather lengthy attack animation, but that should not be an issue if you time your attacks carefully.
- Best wizardry spells to use: Aoye is vulnerable against fire, as such "Fire Phase" elemental spells should be your primary spell loadout against the boss. The best ones to use against it are, Flame Weapon, Surging Blaze, Burning Flamewave, and Engulfing Inferno. You can also invest a few points in Wood Phase to increase your HP, but the best elemental spells to use against Aoye are the flame spells, which can easily deplete the boss' spirit gauge, while also dealing significant amount of health damage.
- Best companion(s) to use: In terms of companions, Hong Jing is the default choice the game gives you, who is quite apt to keep the boss distracted long enough to let to land a few hits. Hong Jing also has a few elemental spells of her own that she uses periodically to either stagger or lure Aoye, which is also very helpful when you want to take some time to either heal or reset your spirit gauge.
- Attacks to watch out for: While most attacks are fairly telegraphed, a few of them can pose a threat if you're not careful. The Frozen Ground attack where Aoye summons multiple patches of icicles on the ground can be quite damaging, and also the flailing attack where the boss rushes at you waving his tentacles, these two attacks can be quite fatal is you fail to either dodge or deflect them. The best way to avoid them is to deflect them while holding block. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty does allow you to deflect attacks even when you are blocking, which gives you a buffer, in case you miss the deflect timings.
Aoye isn't a hard boss fight per se as long as you know the basics of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty's combat and also use the tools available to you to full effect. Using your elemental spells in conjunction with the martial arts and a few well-timed deflects can help you defeat it without much hassle.
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