Tom Felton Opens Up about Emma Watson's 'Crush'

Publish date: 2024-06-20

According to the Universal law of attraction of the opposites, good is attracted towards the evil. Interestingly, this is exactly what transpired between the cast of the Harry Potter series years ago.

Emma Watson, (Hermione Granger) admitted to having a major crush on Tom Felton during the initial days of filming the series. She opened up about her crush in one of her interviews back in 2011. According to Watson, Tom Felton was aware of the situation and they both had discussed it openly. She even went on to say that they had hearty laughs at the situation for years after. However, Felton has kept mum since 2011 and never commented on any such questions. But recently, he finally opened up about his side of the story.

At the opening of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Universal Studios Hollywood, Yahoo asked Tom Felton about Emma Watson’s crush on him and whether the feeling was mutual or not. Felton was asked this question point blank and truly was caught off guard – merely bringing out “Er’s and Umm’s” after hesitation. It was reported that Felton started fidgeting and broke into a nervous laughter followed by a ‘No’ with response to the question. He even went on to clarify that he had no idea about the situation.

Emma had earlier said that during the first few years of filming, she harbored a major crush on the co-star. It was probably because Felton was a few years older than the lot and (evidentially) very good looking. But one does wonder… why the nervous gestures on the part of Felton now? Is it because he harbors a current crush? We can’t help but wonder whether the two would have made a good pair – both on and off screen. Malfoy, (Felton’s character) has always been one of the most misunderstood in the series. Of course he had his own shades of grey, but also had a conscience as well.

The clash of comments from both the Harry Potter stars has lead to interesting revelations and might also make the audience wonder whether the future could be bright for these two or not? Felton is currently with Jade Olivia and the two have been together since 2008; while Watson is currently single and is working for humanitarian causes.
