"That's stupid" - Wrestling veteran on Mia Yim and Austin Theory's WWE backstage photo controversy

Publish date: 2024-06-16

Wrestling veteran Konnan recently commented on WWE Superstars Mia Yim and Austin Theory's controversial photo.

WWE recently released a set of previously unseen photos of superstars backstage. The album contained a picture of Austin Theory standing up and flexing while Mia Yim wrapped her legs around his waist and her hand on his shoulder. Yim then found herself heavily criticized, as several fans thought the photo was inappropriate for a married woman. Although she hit back at the critics in a tweet, the RAW star later deactivated her Twitter account.

During the latest episode of the Keepin' It 100 podcast, Konnan expressed his displeasure with the fans' reaction to Yim and Theory's controversial photo.

"Oh give me a break. That's stupid," he said. [0:54 - 1:05]

Mia Yim commented on becoming a new member of The O.C. Check out her comments here.

Mia Yim considered retirement after her release from WWE in 2021

After competing for several years in IMPACT Wrestling and on the independent circuit, Mia Yim signed with WWE in 2018. She spent about three years in the Stamford-based promotion before she and her husband, Keith Lee, got released from their contracts in November 2021.

Following her departure, Yim wrestled again on the independent circuit. She also spent a few months in IMPACT Wrestling before returning to WWE in November. In a recent interview with SHAK Wrestling, the 33-year-old disclosed that she considered retiring after getting released from the Stamford-based company last year.

"I had to really evaluate if I wanted to continue to wrestle because I wasn't sure if I did. So thankfully, I was able to reignite my love for wrestling... because at that moment it was very much like, not only was I not sure if I wanted to do it, but I felt like maybe my time is up. Like, I'm not as good as I was 5-10 years ago, so maybe it's just time to hang it up. So I needed to find myself in wrestling and see if I can still go with all these new talent," said Yim. [7:56 - 8:45]

Mia Yim expected to get released under Vince McMahon. Check out her comments here.

Please credit Keepin' It 100 and give a H/T to Sportskeeda if you use the above transcription.

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