Release date and time, where to watch, what to expect, and more

Publish date: 2024-06-04

Blue Lock episode 16 will be broadcast on Sunday, January 29, at 1.30 am JST, on TV Asahi. It will be available to stream internationally on Crunchyroll, with a few exceptions in select countries where the anime will be available to watch on Netflix.

The previous episode saw Isagi devouring Naruhaya's weapon and making it his own, using which he was able to score their team's fifth goal, winning the game. Upon doing so, Isagi chose Barou to join their team.

Elsewhere, Chigiri and Kunigami spotted Reo Mikage and asked him to join their three-man team so that they could defeat Isagi, Bachira, and Nagi, for ditching them.

A new match will be established in Blue Lock episode 16

Kunigami and Chigiri as seen in Blue Lock episode 15 (Image via 8bit)

The release date and time of Blue Lock episode 16 will differ across various time zones, allowing most international fans to watch it on Saturday, January 28.

It will be released globally on the following dates at the below mentioned times:

Barou Shoei as seen in Blue Lock episode 15 (Image via 8bit)

Blue Lock episode 16 will be available on Crunchyroll in most parts of the world. It will also be available to stream on Netflix in select Asian countries, including Japan, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand.

For South and South-East Asian countries, the anime will also be available to watch on Ani-One Asia Ultra, the membership service of the Ani-One Asia YouTube channel.

What to expect from Blue Lock episode 16?

Reo Mikage as seen in Blue Lock episode 15 (Image via 8bit)

Blue Lock episode 16 will most likely see Isagi, Barou, and Nagi have more interactions with each other as fans will get to see their relationship dynamic and how Isagi will end up having to become the mediator between his two genius teammates.

Meanwhile, given that the trio have now reached the third stage of the second selection, they could encounter a new three-man team of Kunigami, Chigiri, and Reo as the two teams may establish a match against each other.

While the latter team will be looking for some revenge, Isagi, Nagi, and Barou will want to add one of the opposing team members to their roster.

What happened in the previous episode?

Naruhaya Asahi as seen in Blue Lock episode 15 (Image via 8bit)

Blue Lock episode 15, titled Devour, saw Isagi struggling to make an impact when he observed Naruhaya's weapon and successfully devoured it. After making use of an off-the-ball run and blind spot, the former was able to run past Barou to stay clear of him and score the winning goal in the match.

After the game, Naruhaya acknowledged Isagi as a genius of adaptability and wished him luck in the future. Meanwhile, the latter and Nagi chose Barou as their new teammate.

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