Jessica Alba wore a double corset day and night for three months post-partum

Publish date: 2024-06-14

You have to give Jessica Alba credit. She’s good at parceling out information about her personal life so that she gets the maximum publicity for it. One of the last times she talked about losing her baby weight (it wasn’t the only time) she said that she stuck to a 1,200 calorie a day diet from one of those meal delivery services they have in LA and that she worked out feverishly. (I’m paraphrasing, but look at her, she did that.) In a new interview with Net a Porter Magazine, Alba reveals that she wore 2 corsets day and night for three months after her last baby and that it was hell. This makes me wonder if she breastfed. I mean I guess she could have if her boobs could pop out of the top, and no judgment either way, it’s just a technical question I have as a nosy mom. Like how would that work? Again, it strikes me that this is a piece of information that Alba saved until she could make it the focus of some new interview. She knows how to give a soundbite. Here’s more:

On reading her past interviews
“I think that’s why certain people get into social media, because it’s like, ‘Here’s my voice,’” she agrees. “It’s funny to read a past interview version of [me]. It’s so frustrating, I’m like, ‘But that’s not…’ It’s a misrepresentation, but I’m aware it doesn’t really matter. I can only control what I can control. I know who I am and so does my family.

On her husband and a recent vacation they took
“It was our first trip in six years that wasn’t for work. I didn’t realize how important it was until we got home and I was like [excited voice], ‘We like each other; we really are best friends.’ I knew we were rooting for each other every day and we’d made these two people who are my favorite things on the planet, but having that time just us, it was cool to connect. We both chose the right person.”

On her role in Sin City two and how being a mom makes her chill
“It was so opposite to what I do [at home]. My approach to acting now is so different – I’m fearless because I have nothing to lose. Before [children] my identity was wrapped up in every decision – now, I don’t care. It could be a pile of s**t and you could think it was the worst thing you ever saw, but I still had the best experience.”

On how she got her pre-baby body back
“It was brutal; it’s not for everyone,” she qualifies. “I wore a double corset day and night for three months. It was sweaty, but worth it.”

[From Net a Porter via NY Daily News]

No wonder she looks so miserable all the time. I don’t know much about corsets apart from wearing the occasional spanx-like cami, which is probably infinitely more comfortable than one corset, not to mention two. Does this even work? It seems like a ton of discomfort when it’s really the low-calorie diet and exercise doing all the work. Now there will be a bunch of women with newborn babies sucking in and lacing some tight corset around themselves when there’s no need. This bugs me a little because I would hate to do this to my body. It’s one thing to work out hard for a manageable hour and get a nice buzz from it, it’s another to torture yourself all day and be uncomfortable just to get a small waist.

Kaiser reminded me that in 2011 Jessica said that she wore “a girdle around my tummy from the moment I give birth until it doesn’t feel loosely goosey anymore—that takes a good two to three months. It’s spandex with Velcro.” She gave birth to her last child, daughter Haven, in 2011, so she must be referring to the same thing here. So which is it, did she wear two corsets or did she wear one girdle that was spandex with Velcro? That doesn’t sound as punishing as a traditional “corset” type thing but I still couldn’t do it.

These photos are from Net a Porter and the spread is pretty in a bland, soft-focus way. It looks like a commercial spread for Abercrombie and Fitch.

Alba is also shown at the playground on 4-14 and at Coachella on 4-19. Credit:
