Harry Styles tells us who we are on World Mental Health Day

Publish date: 2024-06-29

After the mysterious posters that began appearing across the world with the slogan ‘Do You Know Who You Are?’, Harry Styles has furthered suspicion by making DoYouKnowWhoYouAre.com, a site where fans can find out from Harry who he thinks they are. So we thought we’d put this to the test and find out who the CelebMix writers really are.











While these have been incredibly fun to curate and see what (incredibly accurate) answers the website has given us, it is also important to highlight the significance of the website being revealed today. October 10th marks World Mental Health Awareness Day and in shocking statistics, it was shown that every 40 seconds someone loses the battle with mental health struggles and end their life. Harry’s website is so important as each answer being so kind and positive and indeed treating people with kindness. Even on lowest days, there can be positive messages hidden anywhere and Harry is promoting this more than ever today.

If you are struggling with your mental health there are a vast amount of different organizations that you can reach out to such as Calm Zone, SHOUT and Samaritans. For our US readers, you can contact Mental Health America and SAMHSA. Every organisation has a phone or text line that’s available to anyone regardless of how big or small you feel your problem is. Remember it is vital to speak up when you are struggling and that someone always cares about you.

Let us know who you are by taking the  Harry Styles ‘Do You Know Who You Are?’ generator and don’t forget to tweet us over at the CelebMix account!
