Gordon Ryan's before and after ongoing battle with severe illness photos has fans stunned
After a prolonged hospital stay, fans are shocked at Gordon Ryan’s body transformation.
Ryan revealed he was in the hospital earlier this month for several reasons. After returning from a trip to Abu Dhabi, the world-class BJJ competitor came down with severe strep throat. The doctors hoped that antibiotics would solve the issue, but unfortunately, the 27-year-olds symptoms worsened.
Ryan endured surgery for tonsillectomy before being released. Once he returned home, the 1st-degree BJJ black belt posted a photo of himself on Instagram, showcasing his depleted body. Once the shocking image circulated on Twitter, fans filled the comment section with various reactions, including some saying:
“This is actually insane” “This can’t be real?!” “I hope big homie is ok” “i imagine the stuff they were pumping into him to keep him alive wasn’t easy on the body/muscle mass. i think thats what we’re seeing here. you gotta be off juice for a long time for that much of a difference its only been what..a month?” “wait is this real I thought this was a meme”Ryan’s last submission grappling competition was in December 2022, where he submitted Nick Rodriguez at the third UFC Fight Pass Invitational. The New Jersey native was expected to face his longtime rival, Felipe Pena, on February 25 before pulling out with ongoing stomach issues.
Gordon Ryan reveals his goals once he returns to competition
Gordon Ryan has a legendary resume for his age, including five ADCC world championships and two No-Gi IBJJF world championships. Ryan plans to continue adding to his legacy after recovering from his health problems. During an extended update on Instagram, he had this to say about his goals for the future:
“My goal in this sport is simple- double gold in ADCC until I'm 40 years old and have more ADCC medals than Buchecha has world titles. That being said, for 5 years now, my body, specifically my immune system and stomach have been barely cooperating with this plan 😅.”It’s unclear when Gordon Ryan will return to competition. The 27-year-old hopes to be back by the end of the year, but he needs to heal from his lingering health issues fully. Only time will tell if ‘The King’ can return and continue winning world championships.
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