Genshin Impact 4.4 leaks hint at new Ganyu, Zhongli skins, and three more character outfits

Publish date: 2024-06-07

Genshin Impact 4.4 will be the first update of the game in the upcoming year 2024, and the officials are expected to celebrate another Lantern Rite event in this patch. On that note, some recent leaks have hinted at new skins for several potential characters from Liyue, which include Ganyu and Zhongli. Interestingly, the rumors about their potential outfits have been going around for a long time.

At the same time, Xingqiu and Chongyun are expected to be one of the 4-star units that will likely get a new outfit as well. This article will cover everything that travelers need to know about the rumored character skins in Genshin Impact 4.4.

Note: The information about the skins is based on leaks and is subject to change.

Leaks hint at new skins for Ganyu, Zhongli, and three other characters in Genshin Impact 4.4

Ganyu skin version 4.4. (Image via Twitter/GIHutaoLover)
Xingqiu might also get a skin in version 4.4. (Image via Twitter/GIHutaoLover)

Based on the past precedence, each time Genshin Impact releases new skins, one of them is for a 5-star unit, and the other is for a 4-star unit. On that note, a leaked named Uncle SH has claimed that the officials will add two more outfits in version 4.4 for the Lantern Rite festival.

It is speculated that Ganyu is likely the 5-star character, and Xingqiu is the 4-star unit that will get new skins in this patch.

Furthermore, the latest leaks from a credible leaker called @vississ have also shared some more intriguing details about the potential skins in the future. Interestingly, they have also claimed that Ganyu and Xingqiu will likely get new outfits in version 4.4.

In addition to this, @vississ has stated that the officials are also working on skins for Zhongli, Chongyun, and Qiqi, but their release date is currently unknown. This is not the first time the Geo Archon has been rumored to get a new skin in Genshin Impact. That said, there are no specifics about the outfits at the moment.

More leaks about version 4.4

Cloud Retainer will be released in 4.4, claims Vississ. (Image via Tao)

There have been several leaks in the past months about the new character in the version 4.4 update. Many have been speculating that it will be either Cloud Retainer or Madame Ping, with recent speculations favoring the latter. However, a new leak from @vississ states that the former will be released in Genshin Impact 4.4, with her element speculated to be Anemo.

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