5 best Cookie Run: Kingdom teams in 2023
Cookie Run: Kingdom is one of the top-notch gaming titles in the RPG and action-strategy genre. The title boasts over 10 million downloads on the Google Play Store with an amazing 4.5-star rating.
Gamers can build an excellent kingdom with the help of cookies and take part in cookie battles as well. They must build the ultimate team of cookies and dominate different modes, including Kingdom Arena, Cookie Alliance, and Super Mayhem. Players may only set a maximum of five cookies on each team before they can engage in combat.
This article discusses the five best teams for players to use in Cookie Run: Kingdom in 2023.
Best teams to use in Cookie Run: Kingdom
5) Vampire-Black Pearl Comp
Vampire-Black Pearl is an excellent choice for players with an attacking strategy. The team uses Vampire Cookies, Black Pearl Cookies, Purple Yam Cookies, Financier Cookies, and one BTS Cookie.
Here are the powers and roles of each one in this Cookie Run: Kingdom team:
Vampire: The cookie will be placed in the back to allow it to use its vampire skill to turn into a bat and attack enemies.
Black Pearl: The Cookie should be placed in the mid-section, and the storm summoned by Duskgloom's Sovereign ability will continue to harm foes for a certain amount of time.
Purple Yam: The cookie will be placed in front and can use its Purple Tornado and Berserker’s Fury skill.
Financier: The Cookie will be placed in the front to deal enemy damage.
4) Tri Ambush
The Tri Ambush team uses three frontline cookies with Ambush skills: Financier, Black Pearl, Sorbet, and any available BTS Cookies and Vampire Cookies. Players can use any of the available cookies in the Cookie Run: Kingdom title.
Here are their powers and roles in the Cookie Run: Kingdom team:
Financier Cookie: The cookie will play the role of a defense unit and will be placed in front to take hits from the opposition to protect ambush units.
Black Pearl Cookie: The cookie will use its Duskgloom Sovereign skill and be placed in the middle of the formation.
Sorbet Shark Cookie: When paired with Black Pearl Cookie, the Sorbet Cookie will wreak havoc on the enemies, and for toppings, players may use a solid almond topping.
Vampire Cookie: It is another ambush-type cookie but will be placed in the rear, and with the help of searing raspberry toppings, it can consistently support the other two ambush cookies in battle.
3) Mono Tank
The Mono Tank team is the third most amazing team in Cookie Run: Kingdom. The team uses a combination of Financier Cookie, Sherbet Cookie, Frost Queen Cookie, Black Pearl Cookie, and any of the BTS Cookies.
Here are their powers and roles in the team:
Financier: It will be a defensive unit to deal with the enemy attacking the front line.
Sherbet: It will be placed in the middle where it can efficiently use its ranging abilities in Cookie Run: Kingdom.
Frost Queen: It will be placed in the middle and use its magic Freezing Squall skill.
Black Pearl: The cookie will be positioned in the mid-section of the formation and will use its Duskgloom Sovereign ability.
2) Summoner Team
The Summoner Team is another great choice players can use to defeat opponents. The team includes Snow Sugar Cookie, Pumpkin Cookie, Frost Queen Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie, and Cotton Cookie.
Here are their powers and roles in the Cookie Run: Kingdom team:
Snow Sugar: The cookie will use its Blizzard skill from the middle position to create a snowfall by summoning a snow king.
Pumpkin: She may summon her Pompon and ask it to help her in battle thanks to Pompon Help skill.
Frost Queen: The Freezing Squall skill of the Frost Queen cookie is a great help in changing the tide of the battle.
Pure Vanilla: Pure Vanilla will support the team with its Love and Peace skill, which will enable the allies' HP to be restored.
Cotton: Cotton Cookie is another support cookie that will help its teammates.
1) Double Charge Team
The Double Charger Team is among the strongest in the Cookie Run: Kingdom title. It consists of Financier Cookies, Dark Cacao Cookies, Sherbet Cookies, Werewolf Cookies, and any of the BTS cookies. Here are the powers of different cookies available in the Double Charger Team:
Financier Cookie: Privilege to place her on the front side of the unit to protect other troops from several kinds of attacks.
Dark Cacao Cookie: Will attack from the front with the help of its Solemn Judgment to strike lightning and thunder onto his foes within his line of sight.
Sherbet Cookie: Sherbet will play the role of support and will conjure 15 frost shards using Fros Shards to keep attacking the adversaries.
Werewolf Cookie: It is a charge-based cookie and an important squad member who uses Lone Hunter and Transformation to contribute effectively.
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